Between Generations is a school-based program which provides an elementary school student in the primary grades with a unique one to one relationship with a Mature Mentor. A Mature Mentor is a caring adult volunteer over the age of 50 years who is interested in developing a trusting, meaningful relationship with a child. The program consists of a supervised weekly one hour school visit between a Mentor and Mentee with the focus on building a friendship.
For just one hour a week you could make a difference in the life of a child while enjoying the intergenerational connection of this relationship.
If you are interested in taking advantage of this incredible opportunity, please call Rose Culmone at 519-945-6232 X23 to discuss the next steps in the process.
Looking forward to working together to empower the children of our community through Mentoring.
Beautiful Adult Colouring Books - on sale now at LAF. Proceeds support programs & services. $14/ each.
Save the date for our 2nd Annual Be Well Expo!
Did you know that LAF offers weekly Therapeutic Touch sessions? Book your session today!