Posted December 24, 2021
Life After Fifty has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic. The Health and Safety of our members is always our highest priority. The Omicron variant of COVID-19 has begun circulating in Windsor-Essex and the number of cases have the potential to grow quickly. Life After Fifty will assist our community in slowing the spread of COVID-19 by taking the proactive measure of
closing to in-person programming effective December 24, 2021.
Foot Care will continue to be offered and appointments are available.
Life After Fifty will offer virtual programs. Our current programs include:
Seniors’ Centre Without Walls – telephone-based programs scheduled daily with a range of topics and interactive social opportunities. It’s a great way to make friends from a distance.
Zoom Programming – internet-based video classes and workshops featuring our LAF program, fitness or craft instructors. Please see our website for the latest schedule.
Foot Care – we will continue to offer foot care at this time.
Frozen Meals 2 Go – We will continue to sell frozen meals for $5.00. Call to see what we’ve got in stock. We will do this through contactless curbside pick up cash only.
Craft Items – posted on our Facebook Page available for cash sales also contactless curbside pick up.
At this time we are hoping to be open to the public again at both our West and East locations on January 17th. That is the first Monday two weeks after New Year’s Day. We will monitor the impact of holiday gatherings on case counts in our community and keep members informed should that re-opening plan change. Information will be posted on our website and facebook page.
Please take care of each other over this holiday season. Keep gatherings small. Wear good fitting, good quality masks. Practice excellent hand hygiene. Social distance as much as possible. Ensure for ventilation when visiting indoors.
We wish you all a safe and peaceful holiday season and look forward to seeing you again in the New Year.